Rising Sophomore Pathway Presentation Video
Junior Planning Presentation Video
New Haven Scholarship Fund (NOT the same as New Haven Promise)
Application Form is due to the guidance office.
Counseling Concern Form/Schedule Conflict Form
Please return counseling concern forms to Mrs. Legere and Ms. Pitkin.
Students can earn high school credit from their part time job.
Community Service Application & Guidelines
MBA students are required to complete 100 hours of community service.
MBA students are required to complete at least one internship.
Past students can request their transcripts
Metropolitan does not track its students. Students have the opportunity to complete an Honors contract and receive honors credit on their transcripts for a course of their choosing. Honors Contracts are available from teachers, can be found on our website under the Academics tab. Honors Contracts should be signed by all parties by the end of the first trimester and be held by teachers. Honors Contracts should be filed in the guidance office by the end of the first trimester. Honors Contracts can be issued later on in the school year with teacher permission. Detailed Guidelines, blank Honors Contract, and Guidance Approval Form can be found in the Course Selection Guide.
Students and families can review this catalog for course descriptions and requirements for graduation and promotion.
Rising Seniors Planning Guide (Junior Process Pamphlet)
Junior College Planning Presentation
This presentation provides everything you need to know about the college process from junior year until your students enter college.
Teacher Recommendation Request Form
(Sample Teacher Recommendation Request Form)
Download this form, fill out all the information, and then give this form to the teacher you are requesting so that they can write you a recommendation.
Counselor Recommendation Request Form
Download this form, fill out all the information, and then give this form to your school counselor so that they can write you a recommendation.