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Opening of School: Academic Year 2024-2025

We look forward to welcoming new and returning students to our building this fall! Our first day of school is Thursday, August 29, 2024.


Welcome to the 2024-2025 academic school year at Metropolitan Business Academy. We hope this message finds you and your family in good health and enjoying your summer. In order to begin planning for a successful school year at MBA, we are forwarding you the following important information.

Communication: We communicate using our school's Instagram and Facebook pages, school website, and ParentLink as information becomes available. We highly encourage you to follow the school on our social media platforms. Please regularly review the school’s website: Our Instagram/ Facebook handle is @officialmbahappenings.

School Health Requirement Compliance: All students entering 10th grade and all students new to the New Haven school system must have a current physical exam and proof of vaccines on file with the school nurse. These records must be dated on or after September 1, 2023. Physical exam forms and immunization records must be turned in before the first day of school.


Summer Enrichment: Reading is an essential component of life-long learning. Go to the Library tab on our school’s website to find our Summer Reading Enrichment page. Practice math in the summer to hone the skills you previously learned and to get ready for high school math. There are several free websites you can use, including and


Orientation: We will share important information at our back to school, in-person orientations, and each student and a parent or guardian are required to attend. Mandatory paperwork must be completed. There will be forms to fill out electronically and in hard copy.

Wednesday, August 21, 6:00 PM

All new students

Thursday, August 22, 6:00 PM

All returning students

Mandatory Online Paperwork & Helpful Documents

Students will not be allowed to attend school until a family member has completed required paperwork. Forms will be linked below by the orientation date.

  1. MBA Student Information Sheet/MBA Hoja Informativa Del Estudiante

  2. Walking Field Trip Permission Form/Formulario de permiso

  3. All other electronic paperwork, including optional paperwork, can be found here.

Helpful documents:

School Supply List 2024-2025

Schedule Concern Form - Fill this out if you see any issues on your schedule.

Student/Family Handbook

Social Work Intern Bios (English) - Will be posted soon

Social Work Intern Bios (Spanish) - Will be posted soon

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