With students coming from 17+ towns and cities, our school is an interdistrict community, a magnet school that brings together diverse points of view and experiences.
New Haven residents can apply to any magnet school in the City, and our Interdistrict Magnet School is open to all Connecticut residents. There are no admission requirements, tests, prerequisites, or tuition for our students.
Families must apply to our school. Students are placed in magnet schools through a school choice process, formerly known as the lottery.
Free transportation is available from most towns.
Why Metropolitan?
This is where your high school experience begins. When you enter our building and when you join your classes, you will be welcomed by kind, friendly educators who love what they do. Ask yourself the following questions to get yourself thinking about whether or not Metro is a good fit for you.
Are you familiar with our magnet themes?
Which academic pathway would you like to take electives in?
Would you like to take Spanish, French or Chinese language courses?
Are you curious about our mastery-based learning and assessment practices?
Would you like to get better at public speaking and advocating for yourself through student led conferences and roundtables?
Are you excited about getting involved in extra-curricular activities, AP Courses, and college courses early?
If you become a student here, do you know that you will complete 100+ hours of community service, 1+ internship, and complete a senior portfolio presentation before graduating?
If you answered yes to most of these questions, or if you want to learn more, then please consider next steps for admission.
Next step, attend a Virtual Information Session
To help keep our school community safe during the COVID-19 pandemic, we are only offering virtual information sessions, Zoom meetings, and phone calls this academic year. Under regular circumstances, we would offer shadowing and open house opportunities. Thank you for understanding.
Virtual Information Sessions offer you a sense of the possibilities that exist at Metro and a better understanding of how we apply our core values of Innovation, Integrity and Involvement. Speakers will include our Magnet Recruitment Specialist, Student Ambassadors, and Teachers from our Signature Pathways.
Click the images below to sign up and learn about the academic and co-curricular offerings available at our school.
Wednesday, December 2, 2020
Live from the Student Center
Q&A and Informal Discussion
w/ Dr. Lauren Chicoski, Magnet Recruiter
Wednesday, December 16, 2020
Live from the Science Lab
Presentation and Q&A in the chat box
w/ Dr. Chicoski & Student Ambassadors
Tuesday, January 5, 2021
Live from the Gymnasium
Q&A and Informal Discussion
w/ Dr. Lauren Chicoski, Magnet Recruiter
January 2021
Date TBD
Digital Media and Technology
A presentation and Q&A with our Tech Pathway Ambassadors
w/ Dr. Chicoski, Magnet Recruiter
January 2021
Date TBD
Law and Political Science
A presentation and Q&A with our Law Pathway Ambassadors
w/ Dr. Chicoski, Magnet Recruiter
January 2021
Date TBD
Allied Health and Science
A presentation and Q&A with our Health Pathway Ambassadors
w/ Dr. Chicoski, Magnet Recruiter
January 2021
Date TBD
Business and Finance
A presentation and Q&A with our Business Pathway Ambassadors
w/ Dr. Chicoski, Magnet Recruiter
Next, apply online!
An online application will become available first thing February 2021. The application period is typically four weeks and is due at the end of February. Release of placement information will take place late March or early April 2021. Students who are offered a seat typically have a couple of weeks to accept or decline the seat. Through the summer, we will move the waiting list in collaboration with the School Choice and Enrollment Office. Check back here again for more specific dates.
Results for Fall 2021
The results for the fall 2021 will become available in April 2021. Please log into the account where you applied to view your results. To give you an idea of what to expect, below are registration instructions from the previous enrollment cycle.
It is critically important that all students offered a seat in our building ACCEPT or DECLINE their seat by May 15, 2020. No seats will be reversed.
All new students entering or re-entering New Haven Public Schools will be required to register. Our registration process is fully online and can be accessed HERE. Parents and Guardians may also visit and click “Register 2020-2021” in the top right hand corner. You will be required to upload all necessary documents.
New Suburban entries are required to have an Interdistrict letter signed by their home district. If their local district is closed, they must have this signed off and sent back to the Office of School Choice & Enrollment once their district reopens without delay. We do know that towns such as East Haven, Madison and Hamden have been able to sign off on these documents. All signed documentation can be faxed to 203-946-5697 or scanned via email to:
Waitlists will be ran district wide after the May 15 response deadline.
Please note the Office of School Choice & Enrollment has been closed for just over a month and will remain closed until further notice. They are working remotely with limited capacity, so please instead contact Metro's Magnet Recruiter at
Attend New Student Day & Orientation
New Haven residents who are placed at MBA typically attend a new student day in May.
Out-of-district residents will be contacted over the summer to make sure their final report card and language choices are submitted to our School Counselors by July.
In August, all new students will attend orientation where they will meet Student Ambassadors who will tell them about the first day of school and provide schedules. Please stay tuned for more information on how this will take place.
Contact our Recruiter
Dr. Lauren Chicoski, (475)220-7707,
Para más información en español, por favor contacte a los Embajadores de la Escuela, Carmen Echevarria (475-220-7700) or