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Submit your senior quote and complete the senior survey. The due date was Sunday, January 14, 2024. If you need to change your quote, resubmit the form with the new quote. If you haven't submitted one yet, you can still submit it now. However, we cannot guarantee it will make the yearbook. We will do our best.


The Class of 2024 Superlative Poll is now open and will close on close on Thursday, January 25, 2024.

Email your senior portrait if you went through a different photographer OR see Dr. Chicoski. She can take a senior portrait of you. The deadline is Sunday, February 11, 2024!

Email portraits to

Create your custom two-page spread when you open an account in TreeRing and order there. See below for instructions. Last day to make custom pages is April 13.

Your custom pages are PRIVATE. They won't be in anyone else's yearbooks, only yours!

Other ways you can contribute to the yearbook...

(you can also watch the video on this page that will show you how to do it)

  • Send pictures of yourself and others in after-school clubs or programs at Metro or elsewhere

  • Send pictures of yourself and others from your time in the building

  • Send your senior portrait if you're getting it down with another photographer by January 9

  • Send us a baby picture

  • Submit your senior quote

  • Participate in the surveys we send out

  • Contact us if you want to help with writing, design, editing, photographing, etc on the yearbook

  • Anything else you can think of.

TreeRing Logo.jpeg

Creating Your TreeRing Account &

Custom Pages

(you can also watch the video on this page that will show you how to do it)

  1. Click on the TreeRing button above (the one with the wooden background) or click here.

  2. Create an account using your personal email, not your nhps email

  3. On the left side of the screen, you will see "Buy Yearbooks". Click on it, and it will bring you to where you will be able to customize your pages and request/receive signatures

  4. You are allowed two free custom pages with your purchase, but it costs an additional $1 for another two-page spread. Not bad at all!

  5. You will be able to send/receive digital signatures with your peers.

  6. There is also a memory section where you can add tags

Send in pictures!

Please send the Yearbook Team any pictures you want throughout the yearbook, such as clubs, sports, field trips, events, random photos from class or in the hallways, etc.

Whether you're a graduating senior or an underclassmen in a club, send us pictures! Email us at

Contact the Yearbook Team

Email us at

Dr. Chicoski, Yearbook Advisor & Primary Chief Editor

John Bustillo, Co-chief Editor

Maritza Trejo- Torres, Co-chief Editor

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